Monday, September 15, 2008

it's t-shirt time!

If you are enrolled in my Kindermusik program, you have received a survey from me asking for your t-shirt preferences. Here are some pictures of the t-shirts so you can see the colors and logos:

And here is a picture of the Kindermusik bag - these are great to take to the grocery store!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Come and join us for a special 5-week session of Family Time! We will be meeting Saturdays at 10:30 on the following dates:

September 27
October 4 & 18
November 1 & 15

Here's the other important information:

*ages 1-5
*each class will be 50-55 minutes long
*$110 for 1 child, $155 for 2 children, $200 for 3 children

Space is limited and this class is filling fast! Click here to register today!

Friday, September 12, 2008

almost finished!

Here are the latest photos of our new room! We're almost finished - we still need to have the new doors put in and I have to get some shelving and storage items in there, and then we'll be ready. I can't wait!

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